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LegoOnTheGroundYouMissed • 1 year ago

Lmao everyone so upset about this getting more attention than other shit lol 🤣

uselesslegs • 1 year ago

I'm over Claiomh. Is there something I'm missing about her? She has the most child like mind, treats others with disrespect, a lot...especially those who have her back the most. She doesn't care about personal boundaries. Put's people into a lot more situations than she actually helps. Has zero issue with helping herself to whatever she focuses on in the moment, regardless of whether she has the right to do so or not. I'm super confused.

Help? What am I missing that explains some or most of these things?

Porthya • 1 year ago

Erm, what? Have you even been watching the seasons up to this? She's an adventurer, just like them, she's almost as young as Majic, who hardly does anything either, since he's still learning. And she doesn't understand the change in Ryan(I don't either, and I've been spoiled to plenty of stuff related to this series), or what he's rambling about Leki, so ofc she takes him for a fool while fearing he might be right. Even a childish girl as you call her can notice these things, while not accepting them as easily as one would the weather forecast.
And all the mains and supporting mains, namely the main trio and the dwarven brothers, have terrible manners. I can't see her showing any of that behaviour that has you "over Claiomh" in this episode. The previous one was indeed weirdly directed, especially with the scene where she looked through Lottecia's bedroom, but then again, everyone's been behaving weirdly and speaking even weirder, I still can't get used to the choky way the dojo members say "Lottecia".
Plus, the anatgonists just reiterated the truth about this story. Azalie started all the trouble, now trouble follows Orphen. Majic and Claiomh get dragged into it, not any reverse variation.

uselesslegs • 1 year ago

I'll admit, I'm knew to the series and didn't even know their were prior seasons. So a lot of backstory was just non-existent for me. I'll go back and speed watch the previous seasons to better understand motivations, outlooks and the way personal realities are viewed.

I guess my main gripe was that she and Majic are main character's (to me) and compared to the two scamps that always show up wherever the group goes (who I don't see as main characters), Majic and she (I assume are around the same age, or close to it) seem to get different responses from Orphen, outside of boy and girl that might temper or shape reactions, and that confused me. Orphen and even Majic's response to her both seem more permissive and tempered, where her response to either of them, even if she's the one who pulled stunts, as it were, seem totally out of whack. But after reading what you've said and what LesK said, I understand now she's from a pretty different environment where she's got an extreme sense of justice that can justify or rationalize away things, in the pursuit of it, that might give Orphen or Majic pause before possibly proceeding in the same vein themselves...and that she's a noble who might still carry some sense of self entitlement or maybe be a little spoiled, but is growing as a character.

Had you all not told me what you did, I might have continued to think she was possibly special needs or something similar in storyline, and I wasn't picking up on it or something.

So thank you both

Porthya • 1 year ago

Thank you for the civil reply, gogo viewers don't always react well to their criticism being criticised in turn, or to being explained stuff, and I admit I got a bit more irritated than I should with your initial comment, given some other reactions in the comment section. I hope you enjoy the previous seasons and they manage to show you that the cast is generally in need of personal growth. Some are kind to the point of foolishness, some are extreme, and there are worse brats out there than a sheltered youngest daughter of a rich family 😅That being said, I'm not defending Claiomh's behaviour, I'm just saying the world they live in make her flaws easier to understand and accept than many others', at least from her peers' perspective.

LesK • 1 year ago

good points all around. also, don't forget she's the only daughter of a minor noble who had only two big 'things' to teach his daughter; swordplay and chivalry/righting wrongs and so-forth. she basically thinks what she does is right, and what she thinks is right, because she's following her heart/impulses as guided by her father's teachings. she's not the best example of a knight-errant ever... but that is one aspect of her characterization that you might have overlooked.

Porthya • 1 year ago

I wasn't arguing that she's a good example, lol, I was pointing out that most if not all the characters in this series are flawed, grey, and it's nonsensical to single out only one of them as they make understandable, if not excusable, mistakes, when they're merely one of many.

Seng Ju • 1 year ago

I ain't reading all that

Porthya • 1 year ago

I already knew you were not a very bright bulb, did you really need to confirm it?!

LesK • 1 year ago

wow, another no-attention-span ignorant fool.

Seng Ju • 1 year ago

I'll kiss you don't disrespect me

LesK • 1 year ago

you can't read one paragraph. shrug. nothing to respect there to start with.

Seng Ju • 1 year ago

ew you just want me stop it I calling the police

LesK • 1 year ago

reported for targeted harassment and blocked.

LegoOnTheGroundYouMissed • 1 year ago

God damn it Ed lol

Lee John Shen • 1 year ago

nice fight scenes but a bit too short

Amano erika. • 1 year ago

Wow, no comments yet

milky way • 1 year ago

can't believe trashy anime still get more season

Timbeans • 1 year ago

this anime is great.. what are you even on about

LesK • 1 year ago

can't believe people waste their time writing comments like these.

Endariel • 1 year ago

Why is this still a thing?

LesK • 1 year ago

why are you commenting on it?

Rival11236 • 1 year ago

Matching the timing when he arrived in this town, Ed is almost for certain Corgon. I mean - he is literally the splitting image of him - unless there is an unexpected plot twist .

LesK • 1 year ago

mmmmkay. so all that happend. :/ this is another good example of 'just because the adventuring party is in town... doesn't mean you all split up and do your own thing the whole time!' if they had stayed as a trio... this would have gone down a great deal differently. i guess that's why Akita-sensei (the author) split them up. grouped up they 'basically' just do what Orphen tells them or wants to do. but un-grouped... each member of the trio operates somewhat independently.

ok. so. now we've got: the idiot dwarven bros traveling along with Ryan (some weird tentacle user, who knows alot about Leki) and Lottecia's stolen ancient sword.
Orphen et. al.
Helpart, a Red Dragon who is cursed somehow and gets weird telepathic messages from 'somebody'.
Lottecia, Ed's ex-wife who is probably joining Orphen et. al. to try and find her daddy's ancient sword.
then there's Ed, who's probably one of Orphen's former classmates at the Sorcery School.

oookay. :/ hmm \: i'll just have to wait and see if things become somewhat clearer later on.

Divock • 1 year ago

I never understood the point of this anime..

Yasir Amin • 1 year ago


this anime is lame... and i've only watched 3 minutes of it. definitely a 4/10

LesK • 1 year ago

have you watched the previous 29 episodes? if so, why did you keep going for 3 YEARS?

hau huynh • 1 year ago

bad anime dont no why you guy still watching are uploading it so bad good anime you guy dont upload bad anime upload like crazy wast of time

hau huynh • 1 year ago

this epsiode trash dont even make any senese so stupid

Seng Ju • 1 year ago

okay I won't watch

moomaeh • 1 year ago

All characters have one character trait and didn't grow in 2.5 seasons. That's hot garbage.
Also what's with Anime "heroes" being so indecisive that they are rambling around for 5 minutes like "I will stop you from stabbing yourself!" or "I won't let you kill people!" instead of actually doing it, with the result being, that they don't do anything in the end. This BS drives me up the wall and makes me want to beat them with a stick...
At least once I've seen an Animr, were a bad guy was rambling around and the other character simply shot him before he could finish his monologue. There the makers were aware of how BS this trope is.
Sadly the overuse of Anime tropes gets worse and worse. You can also see from a mile off how characters will react and who's going to be a bad guy, like the blond guy in this episode.

It's crazy that they thought that this was so great that they had to remake the late 90's Anime...

LesK • 1 year ago

you really don't know anything about this franchise do you? there are over 60 light novels in it. they are NOT remaking the original anime, they are adapting the novels. also, counting this episode... there are now 30 episodes of this new version... and you're STILL watching this "hot garbage" after 3 years. why?

moomaeh • 1 year ago

I didn't watch it when it came out, just watched it now. Also it doesn't matter how many light novels (also quantity doesn't say anything about quality) there are when the Anime is garbage.
Btw, just started watching the old Anime and while it's nothing to write home about it, seems better than the new adaptation. But I'm not far in enough yet to see how (or if) characters will develop.

LesK • 1 year ago

well good luck to you.

rakeleaves • 1 year ago

with all the "disgusting" antagonists they show us i kind of want to drop this rip.
it's okay if they want to make us hate them but it just seems like they're trying to disgust the viewer in any way possible. which has a different effect of resenting the production (at least for me)

it's sad as the beginning was pretty interesting and i've grown pretty attached to the characters and story.

maybe this is a feature of old anime, stuff sometimes gets dragged on in weird ways (i probably should've understood that from season 2).

Kishozen • 1 year ago

Seems stupid

LesK • 1 year ago

then watch something else.